Uganda threatens to withdraw troops from missions, UN distances self and Congo circus continues.

On Friday, Uganda’s Premier announced Uganda would pull its troops out of all peacekeeping mission over accusations that Uganda and some generals were backing M23 in Eastern DRC.

But like most people said, the threat was politicking which Uganda seems to gain an upper hand since the UNSC president has already said the report doesn’t necessarily reflect the views of the UN.

Could the views of UN be far from the contents of the report or could they be closer but UNSC will play safe in light of Uganda’s threats?

The UN Group of experts report will be out in about two weeks and seems by that time, Uganda and Rwanda and UN will have reached a settlement. This leaves the people of Congo in watching the same of old games.

Mineral looting vs security concerns

Uganda called the allegations in UN report baseless and complained that the UN wasn’t giving them credit where they have done well but this isn’t convincing. Our history in Congo shows that for every warlord that comes out strong, there’s a godfather in the neighbouring country.

This is done either by top generals in the armies with a blind eye of the presidents or big companies and agents who are trading in guns for minerals.  And many times the companies have a link to the top leadership in east African countries. However this is not to ignore role of western and Chinese companies in this conflict.

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